Cardan Shaft Coupling

Cardan Shaft Coupling Parameters:

  • Maximum Allowable Torque: 2.5 kN.m to 1000 kN.m
  • Shaft Deflection Angle: ≤ 25°, ≤ 15°
  • Flange Diameter: ∅100 to ∅550
  • Length: 405 mm to 2300 mm
  • Length Extension Range: 55 mm to 240 mm
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The Cardan Shaft Coupling is a high-performance coupling with numerous advantages, making it particularly suitable for mechanical systems that require large-angle compensation, high load capacity, efficient transmission, and smooth operation.

The main features of the Cardan Shaft Coupling include:
  • Large-Angle Compensation Capability: The Cardan Shaft Coupling offers significant angular compensation, with a shaft deflection angle of 15-25 degrees. This makes it highly applicable in mechanical transmission systems requiring substantial angle adjustments.
  • Compact and Rational Structure: The integrated fork design enhances load reliability while ensuring a compact structure, making it ideal for installations in confined spaces.
  • High Load Capacity: Compared to other types of couplings with the same rotation diameter, the SWC universal coupling can transmit greater torque, especially suitable for equipment with restricted rotation diameters.
  • High Transmission Efficiency: With a transmission efficiency of 98-99.8%, it is well-suited for high-power transmission scenarios, offering significant energy-saving benefits.
  • Smooth Operation: The coupling provides stable load transmission, low noise, and easy assembly and maintenance, which improves the overall quality and longevity of the equipment.
When installing and using the Cardan Shaft Coupling, consider the following points:
  • Ensure the consistency of universal shaft performance and avoid changing the universal shaft status arbitrarily.
  • Take appropriate protective measures to ensure safety.
  • During installation, align the flange fork position carefully, avoiding unintentional movement or replacement of the spline.
  • For telescopic universal shafts, securely fix the flange of the connected component to the universal shaft.
  • If the Cardan Shaft Coupling has been stored for over six months, re-lubricate it before use.

In summary, due to its exceptional performance and reliability, the Cardan Shaft Coupling plays a crucial role in various industrial applications, especially in situations requiring large-angle compensation, high torque transmission, and high-efficiency power transfer.

SWC-type Cross Shaft Universal Coupling basic parameters and main dimensions

Type Rotation diameter
Nominal torque
Fatigue torque
Axis angle
Scalable capacity
Size (mm) Moment of Inertia
Lmin D1(js11) D2
D3 Lm n×∅d k t b
g Lmin Increase
Lmin Increase
SWC100BH 100 2.5 1.25 ≤25 55 405 84 57 60 55 6×∅9 7 2.5 / / 0.004 0.0002 6.1 0.35
SWC120BH 120 5 2.5 ≤25 80 485 102 75 70 65 8×∅11 8 2.5 / / 0.001 0.0004 10.8 0.55
SWC150BH 150 10 5 ≤25 80 590 130 90 89 80 8×∅13 10 3 / / 0.042 0.0016 24.5 0.85
SWC180BH 180 22.4 11.2 ≤15 100 840 155 105 114 110 8×∅17 17 5 24 7 0.175 0.007 70 2.8
SWC200BH 200 36 18 ≤15 110 860 170 120 133 115 8×∅17 17 5 28 8 0.314 0.013 98 3.7
SWC225BH 225 56 28 ≤15 140 920 196 135 152 120 8×∅17 20 5 32 9 0.538 0.023 122 4.9
SWC250BH 250 80 40 ≤15 140 1035 218 150 168 140 8×∅19 25 6 40 12.5 0.966 0.028 172 5.3
SWC280BH 285 120 58 ≤15 140 1190 245 170 194 160 8×∅21 27 7 40 15 2.011 0.051 263 6.3
SWC315BH 315 160 80 ≤15 140 1315 280 185 219 180 10×∅23 32 8 40 15 3.605 0.008 382 8
SWC350BH 350 225 110 ≤15 150 1440 310 210 245 194 10×∅23 35 8 50 16 5.316 0.146 532 11.5
SWC390BH 390 320 160 ≤15 170 1590 345 235 267 215 10×∅25 40 8 70 18 12.16 0.222 738 15
SWC440BH 440 500 250 ≤15 190 1875 390 255 325 260 16×∅28 42 10 80 20 21.42 0.474 1190 21.7
SWC490BH 490 700 350 ≤15 190 1985 435 275 351 270 16×∅31 47 12 90 22.5 34.1 0.69 1542 27.3
SWC550BH 550 1000 500 ≤15 240 2300 492 320 426 305 16×∅31 50 12 100 22.5 68.92 1.357 2380 34



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